This week Maitri hosted a four day workshop on
Advancing Gender Equality and Human Rights in the HIV Response, held by TSF (Technical Support Facility) South Asia
, a group who is mandated to help counties implement national HIV plans
by connecting expert consultants to programs who need them. This workshop was held to make consultants aware of the gender equality and human rights aspects of HIV prevention, treatment, care and de-stigmatization and discrimination.In addition to the intellectual stimulation, we finally had the chance to navigate a day in a flowing silk sari (which is difficult).

Our job
was to aid the Rapiture, the sweet and soft-spoken Suraka, take notes on all of the presentations. It was four days of intense note taking. Keeping my in shape for school.
I'll start off by posting a ton of pictures for those who are only interested in the visual and social excitement of the workshop, then I will publish another post where nerd out by explaining and reflecting on some of the ideas that were discussed.

Lighting of candles to begin the workshop.

(R-L) Dr. Joe Thomas, the TSF Director and Maitri board member; Dr. Hashim Mohammad, one of two representatives from Afghanistan; and representatives from Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

(R-L) Meena, the brilliant and witty facilitator; Agniva, one of the outgoing experts on the transgendered (TG) experience; and the elegant Swastika, TG activist from Nepal.

Tripti Tandon, Lawyer for India's Lawyer's Collective, HIV Unit.

The bright, friendly and thoughtful Prabodh Devkota.

(R-L, clockwise) Anita in the pale pink, Priyanka, Yvette and Me sitting among the neat little zen-like gardens at the place where the workshop was held.

(R-L) Priyanka and Anita. Our most amazing, fantastic, hard-working, fun-loving, gracious, sweet co-workers.
Love love love them.

Esther, quiet Esther, another sweet Maitri Intern
and Yvette enjoying our twice daily tea/coffee time. Best part of the day.

Yvette and I with Rachel Odede, Regional HIV/AIDS adviser for UNICEF ROSA.
Wow! This women not only has high standing, but she has high standards and a passionate, caring persona. She fights for the children of the world.

Mostly Everyone.
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